Chris Chung

Innovations & Strategic Projects Director, Digital Wärtsilä

Chris Chung is the Director of Digital Innovation & Strategic Projects with Wartsila. Based in Singapore, Chris overseas ecosystem development that identify and develop solutions to pressing client and societal challenges where smart technology and innovation can have a transformative role.


A strong believer in partnerships and open innovation, Chris’ team brings together technologists, entrepreneurs, business leaders, policy makers, researchers, and other change agents to uncover and implement solutions to specific, actionable challenges. Focus areas include intelligent vessels, connected smart ports, cybersecurity and data analytics.


Before joining Wartsila, Chris held a number of leadership roles in Lloyd's Register, British Gas and Telstra. He is currently serving in the Technology Advisory Board of Singapore Maritime Institute.


Nomadic by nature, Chris has lived and worked in the United Kingdom, Australia, China, Malaysia and Singapore, and fascinated by different cultures and diversity. 

Agenda Day 2

9:10 AM Implementing Immersive Technologies to Enable Remote, Simultaneous and Cost-Effective Training

  • Enhancing trainers’ productivity through management of multiple trainings simultaneously and across various locations
  • Enabling trainees to prepare for the nuances of the work environment prior to commencement of actual, on-site work
  • Reducing training time and cost by accommodating training programmes to a larger number of trainees at any one point in time

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Chris.

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